Register an affiliate account and earn money by building ties between investors and Global Industry
If you bring someone who becomes our investor — you will get a percentage of their initial
start-up capital.
You’ll be getting this reward for each investor you refer to our company. The more merchants
you bring — the bigger reward you get.
You need to register using your correct credentials to fill our KYC, make at least a deposit
to activate the referral program for yourself.
For your invites to count for the referral program, your friends should not have created an
account before and they need to create their Account using your invite link.
You can invite and earn more money multiple times. The more you promote your invite link the
more bonus you will earn! We reserve the right to remove access to the referral program or
to refuse a reward if we suspect violation of terms or any activity we determine as abusive
(for example, by inviting yourself, fictitious people, or already existing users) or
damaging our Firm’s image.
We reserve the right to modify the referral offer at any time. By continuing to invite
friends after an update to the terms, you are indicating that you are accepting them.
Our values define who we are and what we do
Stemming directly from our vision and character
We have the fortitude to see them through
We genuinely care about our Customers.
Appropriate for your specific business, making it easy for you to have quality services.